Expertise Excellence
in treatment for all blood vessel diseases in the body (arteries, veins, lymphatics) except heart & brain
JIVAS today caters to a large number of patients from across India and International Patients seeking treatment of several Vascular disorders and Vascular Surgical Procedures. Significanof previously pefrormed surgeries are now replaced by minimally invasive endovascular &/or Hybrid procedures
All Vascular Surgical procedures involving arteries and veins in the body, except those around the heart and brain, are performed at JIVAS.

Vascular Surgery
Cutting-Edge Technology With Precision Care
Various Vascular Surgeries and Procedures that are performed at JIVAS
Using autologous vein or artificial graft is the commonest Vascular surgical procedure performed at JIVAS. Critical lower ischemia is the most frequent indication for bypass procedures, since without vascular interventions limb and sometimes life loss is imminent.Claudication is a less frequent indication for vascular bypass. Procedures commonly performed for lower limb ischemias. –
Aorto-Iliac/ femoral bypass graft
- Femoral popliteal bypass
- Infra popliteal (below knee) bypass/distal bypass procedures can be performed down to the arteries in the foot.
- Bypass to upper limb arteries and those in the neck
- Other procedures include visceral arterial/venous (rental, mesenteric, portal vein) bypass procedures.
- Similar procedures in the upper limbs inclsuding cervical and first rib resection for thoracic outlet syndrome
For various peripheral aneurysms including aortic, popliteal, visceral arteries. All aneurysms should be repaired, depending on their size, before they cause symptoms. Aorta, the biggest blood artery in the body supplying pure blood to entire body is the commonest affected
Involves removal of diseased intima of the artery. Carotid artery endoarterectomy for prevention of stroke is a common procedure, usually under under local anesthesia; it is very well tolerated with excellent out come.
Endarterectomy is also performed in various other arteries .
It is performed mostly for occluded iliac arteries. We perform this with a small groin incision without opening the abdomen. This technique can also be used for superficial femoral artery.
For acute ischemia, which need to be done ideally within 6 hours of onset of symptoms, for the best outcome. Commonest is in the legs, lees in the upper limbs and other blood vessels
Is frequently performed and increasing due to road traffic accidents and iatrogenic traumas. Knee injury and if correction is delayed beyond 6 hours will invariably result in amputation
It is less frequent performed at JIVAS. The patients are younger and procedures yield excellent results
Procedures in chronic kidney failure patients who are dialysis dependant; Avf fistula, AV graft, permacath insertion
Tumor problems like carotid body tumors, hemangiomas and vascular malformations are treated here.
Many of these procedures now can be performed, in properly selected patients, with minimally invasive, percutaneous endovascular interventions. Hence a division called ACENT (Advanced Center for Endovascular Therapy) has been started as a part of JIVAS and these two divisions function seamlessly to offer our patients procedures that would address their individual needs.
Comprehensive Vascular Care at a affordable cost
Consult our experts to know more